Google Brain

Neura Pod - Neuralink
9 min readDec 12, 2021

Firstly, we’ll discuss the founders and history. Secondly, we will discuss a few research areas the google brain team work on, then discuss the difference between Google Brain & DeepMind, and finally future opportunities the brain team are looking forward to.

Google Brain, formed in 2011, is a deep learning artificial intelligence research team inside Google AI, the company’s artificial intelligence research division. Open-ended machine learning research is combined with information systems and large-scale computer resources and tools in Google Brain. Multiple internal AI research initiatives employ tools like tensor flow, which allow the public to explore neural networks.


The Google Brain project began in 2011 as a part-time research collaboration between Google fellow Jeff Dean, Google Researcher Greg Corrado, and Stanford University professor Andrew Ng. Google Brain started as a Google X project and became so successful that it was graduated back to Google:



Neura Pod - Neuralink

Neura Pod is a series covering topics related to Neuralink, Inc. Topics such as brain-machine interface and artificial intelligence will be explored.