Tesla Will NOT Release A Smartphone

Neura Pod - Neuralink
5 min readDec 23, 2021

For the past couple months, there have been headlines, videos, and a whole mix of media content flooding Tesla Twitter and YouTube about a rumored Tesla smartphone called the Pi Phone. We wrote this article to share why I believe this is a bogus rumor. The three main reasons to cover are:

  • The future of smartphones
  • Claims made in these rumor videos
  • Elon Musk’s company, Neuralink

The Future of Smartphones

In September 2020, similar rumors surfaced saying that Tesla was working on developing a smartwatch. This idea started because of a leaked document.

One month after this video was released, Elon Musk responded to the rumor on Twitter saying this:



Neura Pod - Neuralink

Neura Pod is a series covering topics related to Neuralink, Inc. Topics such as brain-machine interface and artificial intelligence will be explored.